viernes, 24 de julio de 2020


馃 Vinilos decorativos rostro mujer
Wendy was a good student of surgical instrumentation after having finished the continuous career studying medicine culminated his career specializing in cardiology traveled to Canada where he was the best cardiologist built his family and his dreams were realized. 

jueves, 23 de julio de 2020


a few weeks go i had a very bad reaction with my parents since they told me something but  that in the moment reacted in bad ways after the anger passed me because i thought that i should have reacted differently and not have answered them the way i did then i apologized for my reaction.

viernes, 17 de julio de 2020


supertitions known in thw village 

these are some perditions of the ancestors as of example:

The Hill Of Monserrate

This tourist place located in the city of Bogota carries a superstition in which it is stated that when couples go up there together while they are still in the dating stage, they ruin their relationship and, therefore, never get married.

Spill Salt

Is an omen of the devil, so to avoid bad luck, it counteracts by pouring salt on the right shoulder to ward off bad energies.

Espejo roto en una calle | Foto Premium


This is one of the superstitions they share with the rest of the world, stating that by breaking a mirror the person undergoes seven years of bad luck. However, there is a way to cut the effect: sugar; it is said that if you take the pieces, you put them in a bag full of sugar and boots away from your home, nothing will happen.

From many stories I hear from my grandmother, she can say that things that break like mirrors get to have the unlucky person of other superstitions. As I have said things but has not happened to me those situations all this depends on what we believe of our past and give concern to this type of situations.